Leveraging GenAI for Strategic Advancement in Wealth and Asset Management

Adopting generative AI (GenAI) in wealth and asset management sets a new benchmark for industry innovation, efficiency, and client service. This transformative technology is enhancing existing processes and paving the way for entirely new business models.

Revolutionizing Business Models

Wealth and asset management firms increasingly integrate GenAI to redefine their strategic approaches. According to recent research by EY-Parthenon, 75% of firms are now mobilizing GenAI teams, with significant investments aimed at tapping into this technology's vast potential. These firms are not just adopting GenAI but adapting it to democratize financial advice and transform client interactions, making sophisticated financial strategies accessible to a broader audience.

Operational Transformation Through GenAI

One of GenAI's most compelling advantages is its ability to automate complex, time-consuming tasks. In the EY-Parthenon survey, 69% of wealth and asset managers highlighted client experience enhancements as a key motivator for GenAI adoption, followed by task automation (62%) and cost reduction (56%). In practice, this means streamlined client onboarding and more efficient marketing strategies, areas identified for the greatest cost and time savings.

Governance and Ethics in GenAI Use

The shift towards GenAI necessitates strong governance to manage data accuracy, privacy, and ethical AI use risks. Wealth and asset management firms are particularly cautious about these aspects, with 67% expressing concerns over data accuracy and 45% over data quality. Establishing robust testing and oversight mechanisms ensures these technologies are employed safely and transparently, maintaining client trust.

Strategic Investment in Talent and Infrastructure

For GenAI technology to be effectively integrated, significant investments in talent and infrastructure are essential. The survey indicated that over two-thirds of firms feel adequately equipped with the necessary technology and talent to implement GenAI effectively. However, the same study also highlighted gaps in internal expertise as a major barrier, emphasizing the need for comprehensive training and upskilling programs.

Enhancing Capabilities Through Partnerships

The path to successful GenAI implementation also involves strategic partnerships. According to the EY-Parthenon survey, 66% of wealth and 70% of asset managers are considering partnerships to bolster their GenAI initiatives. These collaborations can extend capabilities, particularly in areas requiring specialized knowledge or advanced technology, and are vital for scaling GenAI solutions.


The integration of GenAI in wealth and asset management marks a critical step forward in the industry's evolution.

Firms that effectively harness this technology can enhance operational efficiency, improve client satisfaction, and maintain a competitive edge. The strategic use of GenAI supports current business operations and provides a foundation for future innovation and growth.

To explore deeper insights and case studies on GenAI applications in wealth and asset management, you can refer to the detailed EY report here.


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