The Power of Core Values in Leadership and Decision-Making: A Deep Dive into Sarah's Choice

In today's fast-paced world, entrepreneurs face a myriad of challenges. From market dynamics to stakeholder pressures, the road to success is fraught with decisions that can make or break a venture. Amidst this backdrop, in the bustling streets of New York City, Sarah, a young entrepreneur, was on the verge of launching her startup. She had everything in place - a solid business plan, a dedicated team, and the passion to make it big. However, amidst the city sounds cacophony and the startup preparations whirlwind, she felt an unsettling void. It wasn't until she attended a leadership seminar that she had her epiphany: she lacked a clear understanding of her core values.

The Science Behind Core Values

Our values are deeply rooted in our psyche, influencing every decision, action, and belief. Neuroscientifically, our values are intertwined with our brain's reward mechanisms. When our actions resonate with our values, our brain releases dopamine, leading to feelings of contentment and affirmation. Dr. Shalom Schwartz, a luminary in psychology, has extensively researched human values. His work categorises values into ten types: power, achievement, benevolence, and universalism. These universal values vary in priority among individuals, shaping behaviours, choices, and life trajectories. For instance, companies like Patagonia have prioritised environmental sustainability, reflecting their core value of universalism, leading to both business success and positive societal impact.

How Values Influence Our Interactions and Choices

Understanding and Identifying Our Core Values

Recognising and understanding our core values can profoundly impact our lives. It can:

  • Enhance Self-awareness: By identifying our core values, we better understand who we are and what drives us.

  • Guide Life Choices: Whether choosing a career, a partner, or a life path, understanding our values can help us make decisions that resonate with our true selves.

  • Boost Confidence: When we align with our values, we feel more confident and authentic in our choices.

  • Improve Relationships: Shared values can strengthen bonds while understanding differing values can foster respect and understanding.

  • Communication: Our core values often dictate the way we communicate. For instance, someone who values honesty might be more direct in their communication, while someone who values harmony might prioritise tact and diplomacy.

  • Building Relationships: Values play a pivotal role in the relationships we form. Shared values often lead to deeper connections, while conflicting values can be a source of tension.

  • Listening: Our values influence not just how we speak but also how we listen. Someone who values empathy, for instance, might be more attuned to the emotions and needs of the speaker.

  • Decision Making: Every decision we make, big or small, is influenced by our values. They act as a compass, guiding us towards choices that align with our beliefs.

  • Determining Choices: Our values act as a filter, helping us determine which opportunities to pursue and which to let go of. They help us prioritise and focus on what truly matters to us.

The Power of Core Values

For Sarah, her epiphany was transformative. She realised that for her startup to reflect her vision truly, she needed to embed her core values into its DNA. Integrity, innovation, and community weren't just words but her guiding principles.

Real-World Scenario: Sarah's Dilemma

A few months after her revelation, Sarah faced a significant crossroads. A potential investor with deep pockets and grand promises approached her. The deal was tempting, with assurances of doubling her startup's valuation. However, the investor's vision involved cutting corners, compromising the quality Sarah prided her product on. Renowned leaders like Elon Musk and Oprah Winfrey have often spoken about similar crossroads where their values guided their decisions. For Sarah, the choice was clear.

The Role of Values-Driven Leadership

Guided by her core values, Sarah declined the investor's offer. This decision, rooted in her commitment to innovation and integrity, wasn't without its rewards. Over time, her startup garnered accolades for its unparalleled product quality, drawing in a clientele that valued excellence and attracting investors who shared her vision.

The Malleability of Core Values

While many believe our core values are intrinsic and unchanging, the reality is more nuanced. Our values can evolve, influenced by our experiences, relationships, and environment. For instance, someone who grows up in a competitive environment might value achievement. Still, as they grow older and experience the joys of collaboration, they might value community and teamwork more. This malleability of values underscores the importance of self-reflection and openness to growth.

Why It Matters?

Sarah's journey underscores the profound impact of values in leadership:

  • Guided Decision Making: Core values illuminate the path for leaders, especially during challenging decisions.

  • Building Trust: Leaders who adhere to their values foster trust, which is crucial for team cohesion, stakeholder confidence, and customer loyalty.

  • Long-Term Success: While short-term gains can be alluring, a steadfast commitment to core values ensures sustainable growth and genuine impact.

Broader Societal Impact

Values-driven leadership extends beyond individual companies. Organisations prioritising values often engage in sustainable practices, promote ethical labour, and contribute positively to their communities. This ripple effect ensures that the benefits of such leadership are felt throughout society, leading to a more ethical and sustainable future.


Intertwined with real-world examples and scientific insights, Sarah's story is a testament to the transformative power of values-driven leadership. In the intricate dance of leadership challenges and decisions, core values provide the rhythm, guiding leaders towards choices that resonate with their true selves, ensuring individual success and leaving an indelible mark on society.

Further Reading: For those interested in diving deeper into values-driven leadership, consider attending one of the workshops Alto Cognito offers or exploring the resources in our Resources section.

Share Your Story: Have you faced a similar crossroads in your professional journey? Please share your experiences and insights in the comments below, and let's foster a community of values-driven leaders.


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